Guess What...

Travel with style..
I'm gonna pack some pretty necessary stuff...

Easy summer look - Honestly, I could live in this year round...

... do a lot of swimming...
Vacation Tube: Woman on vacation in clear tropic waters / Photography by Michael Sweet

...sip cool and tasty refreshing drinks...
pink polka dots on glasses: perfect for greyhound cocktails

... eat a lot of ice cream, daily!...
Ice cream and the beach <3 perfect!  #summer #love #follow #cute #palm #tree #amazing #pretty #beautiful #summerlove #need #followers #please #follow #me #pink #flowy #beautiful #love #starbucks #good #great #sun #love #tan #shadow

... play and make fun art at the beach...
Holding onto summer
My favorite part of summer is going to the beach.  I love it!

... sit back and watch the sun sets...

Sit back and watch the sun come up! I will take this anyday! NVP retreat? I think so!! #ArbonnePureSummer

... cause it's summer! And August is the hottest month here in Greece, so I believe you've
already guessed what I'm about to say...yes! we're leaving on vacation! Yippee!
BelAfrique your personal travel planner -
Will be back with you at the end of the month my friends!
Take good care of yourselves!
(all images from pinterest)


  1. I am seriously jealous.
    But summer is almost around the corner in South Africa too. 1st of next month is spring day and its now 5 AM and birds are chirping already.

  2. Have a lovely trip Olga, I'm jealous too !

  3. Την καλύτερη δουλειά θα κάνεις!!!

  4. Που χάθηκες βρε Ολγάκι; Θέλουμε τα εκπληκτικά σπίτια σου!

  5. Καλές διακοπές!!!Να περάσετε υπέροχα!!

  6. Γύρισα! Και άρχισα τις ιντερνετικές βόλτες :)
    Και μόλις γυρίσουμε όλοι στη βάση μας να κανονίσουμε τον καφέ !!!!!!!!!


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