Just Beautiful...


Oh I so much admire spaces that feel so serene and girly at the same time! The color palette
is one of my favorites and I especially love that cute round rug which most probable
is hand made and that makes it so special. And that ceiling... is a dream!

Hope you all have a dreamy weekend my friends!

via 79 ideas



  1. Αυτα τα απλά και τα όμορφα είναι που μας μαγευουν!


  2. Hi Olga,

    I have not commented for awhile, but I just wanted to let you know that the beautiful things you post here continue to be a never-ending source of inspiration for me. That ceiling and chandelier look like something out of a very high-end and old palazzo or chateau! So pretty, and the serene color palette is so soothing. I love the juxtoposition of the "mod" elements with the traditional old-world architecture. A perfect marriage!

  3. Απλά είναι τέλεια!

  4. I think the rug is crocheted one


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