Kitchen Before And After


Another stunning before and after, this time... a kitchen! Love the new open floor plan, how bright
and sunny the place is now, the artwork and how stylish it looks with the open shelving.
Take a look by yourselves and check out how the above space was transformed.

by Lauren Liess


  1. Lauren is my MOST favorite interior designer. Her rooms are always spot on my liking. I could move into one without changing anything at all!

  2. That ISLAND! Oh my goodness. That is just gorgeous. I don't know if it was custom made or it's an old industrial or early 20th century office piece, it's just wonderful! Did the designer ditch the dishwasher? Well, I'm not a fan of them anyway, but then, I only cook for me and occasionally a few other guests, so I do my dishes by hand in the sink. I can see where a dishwasher would come in handy for a large family with lots of pots and pans, for instance. Not a fan of the zebra rug underneath the dining table, though. It's too little for the area. Not a fan of open shelving units either, unless one has endless time to dust and clean dishes before using them! The art work on the wall above the sink - fabulous! It adds so much to the space, making it feel almost library-like (well, to me anyway. I love libraries!)

  3. wow you have done an amazing job


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