Three Easy n' Inexpensive Projects To Do

Here are three of the latest projects I've been craving about lately and absolutely pinning onto
my pinterest board for future reference. First one is this gorgeous pair of jeans transformation.
I'd love to have a pair of pale pink jeans like these ones and I do happen to own some old and
out dated ones, so all I have to do is follow these easy steps on how to bleach and dye them.

Or what about a pair of yellow jean shorts? You choose the after look!

If you have some basic sewing skills (unfortunately I don't), what about this beautiful hand made pouf, made of only 1 yard of fabric? It'd be great for a kid's room or even a family room. See
the full tutorial here. I'm wondering though if there is any other way to do this without the
need of a sewing machine.

Cheesy Garlic Bread with frozen bread dough
And last but not least, I'm certainly trying this heavenly recipe for Garlic Cheese Pull Apart Bread.
Doesn't it look super yummy? I sure want a bite of that! This would be a great side kick
for our next gathering at home while sipping some cold beer.

Which one of the above would you choose as your "next project to try"?



  1. Το σπέσιαλ σκορδόψωμο μπήκε στο μενού της ημέρας! :)) (οπότε θα σου πώ το βραδάκι για το γευστικό αποτέλεσμα και τις εντυπώσεις της οικογένειας, αλλά μοιάζει τέλειο!)

    Όσο για τα τζην... έχω θέσει restraning orders από τα ψαλίδια γιατί μια τάση να τα καταστρέφω ανακαινίζοντάς τα, την έχω! αχαχαχα!

    Φιλιά! Καλή σου μέρα!

  2. Πριν καμια βδομαδα βρηκα ενα παλιο τζιν και το εκανα βερμουδα!!!
    Ευκοληκαι οικονομική λύση.

    Πω πω τι ωραια φουρνοψωμακια ειναι αυτά :)

  3. The bread looks divine, and I definitely think you need a pair of those pink jeans !

  4. Φοβερό το pouf... αν έχεις καλή μοδίστρα της δίνεις το ύφασμα πακέτο με το link και στο κάνει!


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