Well it's true...It's All in the Details!

Axel Vervoordt 1
How many times have you heard that it's all in the details? You may fall in love with a room
not realizing at first glance what details make it outstanding. Frequently most people when
they gather inspiration photos, they focus in on a wall color, furniture piece, accessories or
fabric pattern. They don't realize the impact of one's room architectural details or interior
design and how these speak to the overall design. Here is a set of examples for you.

In the image above you can see how the wood paneling on the ceiling make this room. As a
finishing touch put some extra long branches for an all natural theme.

Regarding the ceiling another great detail that can make a room interesting in an instant is
a beautiful design of crown molding...

In the living room, a surprising element, in this case the bicycle hang on the wall...

... or a DIY side table such as this barrel that greatly serves its purpose and make a huge statement...

In the kitchen, instead of the common cupboards, use open shelving and for an even better
result make it inox shelves...

In the bathroom, go bold and place an unexpected shape of bathtub...
(a few candles and plants are necessary for achieving this zen look here)
Round bath tub.  Oh yea!

In any room with a staircase, put stunning unique stairs that catch the eye...

or if you already have a simple and plain staircase, you can DIY them like these
fine examples and amaze everybody...
10 DIY Staircase Designs
Stairs up to a reading nook in a kids room? Love it

Images via & via & via & via & via & via & via


  1. Beautiful pics! The stare care look so amazing and the idea is so innovative. Thanks for sharing. Great blog!Bookmarked for more unique and useful home decorating ideas.

  2. Οι χώροι που δειχνεις αποπνέουν καλο γουστο αλλα ειναι ταυτοχρονα στα μετρα του ανθρώπου εννοώ εχουν κατι ζεστο κι ανθρωπινο , δεν μοιαζουν με βιτρινα καταστηματος , αυτο μου αρεσει περισσοτερο, μπραβο!

  3. Πόσο δίκιο έχεις Όλγα μου με τις λεπτομέρειες ... Πολλές φορές μπορεί μια και μόνο λεπτομέρεια να με κάνει να αγαπήσω το χώρο!

    Καλή εβδομάδα εύχομαι :)

  4. Awesome! Love these photos - the stairs are fantastic!!!

  5. Really thought provoking, especially those fantastic stairs, I'd love to do something like that. Love the bathroom as well, beautiful marble tiles.

  6. Κόλλησα με το μαύρο βαρέλι το Chanel!


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