Saturday's Inspiration

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Do you like winter as much as I do? It's probably my most favorite season of the year.
Winter outfits and boots, carpets on the floors, fireplaces lit up, cozy atmosphere...
what's not to love!
Enjoy your winter weekend my friends!

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  1. So pretty! I love all those things about winter too!

  2. I live in Norway, but I don`t like winter at all. In our country the winter is too long, the only thing I like about winter is x-mas. In january I go to Spain to shorten the winter! I liked the image you published, have a nice day Olga! :-)

    1. Winter here in Athens lasts for about two months. I would dare to say that we have a looooooong fall and spring most of the time! This is probably why I miss real winter with snow and stuff. :-) It's good thing though that you can go to Spain every year. You have something to wait for except Christmas!


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