
31 March 2012

Saturday's Inspiration

Saturday afternoon....

steal the idea!

30 March 2012

House Tour: guest post by Stay at Home-ista)

Hi, I'm Jessica from Stay at Home-ista. I blog about life as a stay at home mom, which can cover a lot of bases! Mostly I focus on home design (you'll get to see the house below), food, and parenting
tips like how to survive long car rides:)

When Olga asked me if I would be interested in guest posting, I jumped for joy! It has been
a labor of love designing, building and now decorating this house, and I absolutely love to show it off.

My husband and I met in architecture school at Harvard, so when the opportunity presented itself to build a house of our own we jumped at the chance. Of course, that "jump" lasted 4 years from start to finish,
but now that it is done, I know every detail of the house and love every bit of it. Come on in.
That's the view from our deck. The view was the main reason we bought this property, it's just stunning to wake up everyday to see the San Francisco Bay, and sunsets over the Golden Gate bridge are beyond words. Also, part of the deal of my husband agreeing to live super-close to my family was that we could have a view. There you go.

28 March 2012

It's Girls Rules!

Well today girls rule! Some more inspirational pics suggested by Restoration Hardware
to help you make over a girl's room. For once more the last photo is my fav!

27 March 2012

It's Boys Rules!

Brilliant ideas for decorating a boy's room (furniture and accessories by Restoration Hardware).
I especially loved the first and last photo. Look around and be inspired!

26 March 2012

House Tour: New York Appartment

I found this magnificent house in my beloved Mix and Chic and it immediately got my attention.
So many elements to love in this house! From the gorgeous rug and painting to the turquoise
dining chairs and the unique silver coffee table (and I could go on and on...) this house shows
a great and unique personality that refers to a fairy-tale little palace!
I imagine this could be Alice's home in the modern days!

24 March 2012

Saturday's Inspiration

This weekend why don't you consider gathering your loved ones and 
Celebrate Spring together?

image source
Thanks for making this possible! Spread the word!

23 March 2012

Wow.... Transformations (by Abigail)

Hi, everyone!! I'm Abigail from Smitten By Abigail and I am so psyched that Olga has asked me to do a guest post on her fabulous blog!  This is my very first solo guest post and I'm a wee bit nervous, but so excited to meet and share with all of you!
I admit, I used to be a bit of a DIY snob - Didn't care for it, would rather have paid someone else to do all the "dirty work" for me.  Then... the economy took a turn for the worse.  It was a challenge, at first, but it turns out, I loooooooove DIYing.  I've always loved the arts and interior decorating, so it was only natural that I should have started my projects way before I did.  Better late than never, I say!

So here are a few of my transformations from my room makeover binge these last few months.  All within a budget, of course.  

First, is my Kitchen Cabinets Facelift.  It's amazing what a little bit of paint can do...

21 March 2012

Brighten up your day with Yellow!

Yellow is fun! Yellow is happy! Yellow is spring and Easter!
I love yellow, it's my favorite color! And when it's combined with grey, then I'm in heaven!
Have you ever considered painting a wall yellow or adding a sofa, or just adding yellow pops
of color with accessories? No? Hmmm... take a look at these photos...
who knows.... maybe you'll change your mind!

20 March 2012

Small-Cute-Stylish Appartment

Wouldn't you just love to take your breakfast or morning coffee in that nook, reading your favorite
book or magazine? I absolutely would!

 This is an apartment in Berlin of only 54sq.m. with a very wise use of every inch of this home. The space under the kitchen bench is used for storage for example. How clever is that?
The fact that those big windows allow the sunshine to pass through and lighten up the whole room,

19 March 2012

DIY: Twig Turned into Candle Holder

Did you know that Greeks are very much into crafts?
I've previously mentioned some of those amazing fellow bloggers here and here,
and now I'd like you to meet a new one. It's a young couple living at the north of Greece and
they're both very creative.  Their blog is called KaPa. Me without you... tea without a bisquit!
How lovable is this name? Well, take a look at what they did with a plain twig that they came
 across during their walk in nature.  I'll let the photos do most of the talking!

17 March 2012

Saturday's Inspiration: Cherry Blossoms

For only a couple of weeks each year you can admire nature's perfect pink...
when cherry blossoms are in full bloom!

Frenchflair traditional landscape

16 March 2012

Blue Inspiration

Guest Post by Art Nouveau
Hi my dear friends!!
I'm Art nouveau and I 'm guest posting here at my lovely friend ..Olga's blog today!! We've met here in blogland and we talk almost everyday!!! This is the whole meaning of what we are doing new friends and compare notes, exchange opinions and experiences!!! And it's great!!
I like to post beautiful images that inspire me and I hope to inspire you as well!
Like this post here-below, which is all about blue inspiration! Enjoy!

15 March 2012

Pint it button update!

la la la love pinterest
I recently found out - to my surprise - that the Pint it button I had previously instructed you 
how to install, was no longer functioning! 
Therefore, I found (from here) another and much better way to add the pin it button into 
your footer under every post, which I'm gonna share with you right now. 
I've already added it, so you can check mine and see that it's working perfectly. 
Instructions are very easy, you just follow these simple steps:

14 March 2012

House Tour: A House in Denmark

Cosy family sofa contemporary living room
This colorful Danish cabin is set just outside of a big forest in a village near Copenhagen. 
It's a 2,150sf home and a family of five is living in. While the couple stuck to a traditional 
all-white palette for the walls and flooring, they also dressed up the space with 
bold and bright accents, art and textiles. I fell in love with the large windows that fill every room

13 March 2012

Honey I Revamped the Kitchen Chairs!

So this is - or should I say "was"-  the 4-piece set of our kitchen chairs. 
For a long time now I've been wanting to do something about it. As you can see the seat 
is just plain wood and therefore not comfortable at all! Ouch! 
So while staying indoors the past few days I told myself and my kids... lets do something creative! 
Let's revamp these kitchen chairs!

12 March 2012

A Fairytale Inspired Bed!

"The Princess and the pea" is a fairytale that tells of a prince who was trying -in vain- to find the
right princess to marry with. When a a girl knocked on his door on a rainy night, looking for shelter,
claiming that she's a princess, his mother tested her by putting a pea among the

09 March 2012

See you soon

Hey guys, some problems with my daughter's health may keep me away
from regular posting for a while. Hope nothing serious but very very painful!

And since I have to stay in all these days, and my poor baby needs something to
distract her from pain, I grabbed the opportunity and got busy with some DIY!
I guess it was high time!

So when I come back - soon I hope - I'll have some projects to show you.
Hope they turn out OK! I have my little girl's help, so I guess they'll be good!


07 March 2012

House Tour: A House in Spain

Love each and every detail of this house! Everything seems to be very carefully picked up.
Classic and modern furniture meet to showcase a glorious result.
Bright pops of colors on a white scheme that tie so good together.
Hardwood floors all over the place and mix of textures adds to the space the warmth
needed to feel cozy and comfy.
And the kitchen... oh.. I would kill for that kitchen!
And did you notice the roof over the dining table? No? Well go check it out... it's a glass roof! *sigh*

05 March 2012

Using Neutrals to Set Your Living Room Apart

Guest Post by Artistic Homeowner
Years ago, neutral was often synonymous with boring. But today, that is definitely not the case. 
neutral living room
In today's day and age of home decor, when everything seems to be bold and brightly colored, it can be refreshing to return to the basics of neutral colors. In this article, we will look at how to successfully use neutrals to bring harmony to your living room as well as set it apart with elegance that never goes out of style. 

02 March 2012

Help me decide please!!!

Hey guys I need your help today!
Remember the arm chair that I was telling you about here which is in our living room and I hate?
Well it is high time to re-upholster it don't you think? So I made a research for what type of fabric to use
and I decided I wanted leather since I want a modern piece in my living room.
After a lot of thought (I'm very indecisive) I came up with the following samples and
now I can't really make up my mind on which one.

01 March 2012

Useful Links & Tips for Bloggers (Part III)

Blogging traffic tips.
It's that time again... are you ready?
Ready for some more Blogging Tips and Links that could turn your blog from drab to fab?
 Without any further ado, here we go: